Strange things to be asked...

After ten years as a bookseller, having worked in the same location for three different owners, I can still be surprised by the things people think we might sell.

Down at the bottom of the list are the least surprising things. We are asked almost every other day if we sell newspapers & magazines. We don't but some of our really big branches do, so it's not too much of an eyebrow raise there. It's the specific titles asked for, like The Racing Post? The New York Times? The Sunday Post?

Also bottom of the list are things like stamps, writing paper, pens (we sell them now). We used to sell picture postcards but not for some years, and we've always sold birthday and greetings cards. At different times we have also sold pencil cases, ceramic mugs, and other such paraphernalia that ties in with a character or film who's books we're promoting. So, it's not too much of a stretch to think we might have some of these.

Less likely though, are luggage tags and labels, wall planners, fountain pen ink and ink cartridges, ball-pen refills, compass and protractors, and printer cartridges. People confuse us with that High St stationer who also sells books. I know this because customers also try to use vouchers and get points on cards from this chain, although the cards seem to have disappeared some time ago.

Do we sell phone cards? Well, no we don't. Why not? Umm, we're a book shop? Maybe it's just me, but with the plethora of 'phone shops up and down the street, I'm perplexed as to why people come in and ask us this. It's not just an after-thought question when they're paying for books at the Till.

And before you ask, it's not just the foreign tourists.

Though we do sell book-lights, we do not sell torches. Yes we have birthday cards but not balloons, streamers, badges or other such celebratory accoutrements.

We definitely do not sell films for your camera, batteries for anything, cellotape, staplers or staples, photocopying or printing services. We have no drinks machines, never mind an Internet Cafe.

And my favourites... So far....

We don't sell hairbrushes, shoe-laces, or toiletries of any sort.

You see, it's because...



Something In The Air

It's been a weird week. People have been quite unpleasant on the whole. Thats not to say there haven't been lovely customers, because of course there have, but generally speaking, customers have varied through the spectrum of unpleasantness between off-hand and downright rude and insulting.

My pick of the week was the smiling assassin. A lady who told a colleague that book he recommended was like reading Janet & John. It was written for idiots. She repeated each of these comments at least twice more as he tried to engage her in a meaningful conversation and after he told her it was one of his favourite books. She smiled the whole way through.

Two thoughts struck me as I stood by, surprisingly dumbstruck:
First, she doesn't know what she's saying & how rude she's being
Second, she's not actually listening to what he's saying.

Afterwards, considering her demeanour throughput the exchange, my third thought & final conclusion was that she thought she was being terribly clever & smart, and she didn't care how rude & insulting she was being.

Let me make it clear - the book in question is neither 'Janet & John' nor is it written for idiots. It's a weighty tome of historical fiction. (Names & titles are purposely excluded.)


My absolute favourite customer this week was a four year live wire of a boy who, when I asked was he wanted to be when he grew up, pondered the question, looked me in the eye with all seriousness and said:


Love it!

Back Again

Dear Blog,
I know I've been criminally neglectful. I've been busy though. Three Thursdays a month I have a book related evening; Folios(our reading group), Bookswap, & Bookspies (kids book group). Then there are all the author visits & events I get to do.
Not forgetting my Primary Directive, sell books.
I'm also working on reviews & articles & of course, trying to write a book.
Not all of these things get their full quota of time.
So, I shall try to be more diligent in future, but really, I can't make any promises.