Health matters....

Daughter the Second is in hospital - suspected appendix problems - maybe....we've been here before, when she was sent home without a diagnosis, and its hard to argue as 'whatever it was' had 'gone'.

Now, again, she's in pain, being sick, unable even to keep water down, on a drip to keep her hydrated, taking pills to help with the pain, and waiting for scan. And waiting. And waiting.

Now I know there are people out there who have much more serious problems, fatal illnesses, and the like, but surely taking a scan when the pain is at its worst would make sense.

Or it it just me?

It would also help if I could understand what some of the nurses are saying to me. Last night I understood about 75% of what one nurse said to my daughter and I. Today, I understood 50% at most of what a nurse was saying to an elderly patient next to us. Luckily I'm smart enough to be able to fill in most of the blanks and guess the rest, but then I'm not ill, in pain, elderly, or hard of hearing. What if I was? What might I agree to? Or not? My thoughts avoided going into the potentially damaging or fatal results - I just warned my girl to be sure she understood exactly what was being said or asked of her.

She really likes the doctor though - thanks heavens for small mercies.

In the meantime, Daughter the First is battling on with her mountain of studies, getting stressed at people, and worried about finishing or failing, or whatever else gets into your head at times like these. Of course, I've started dreaming of essays and presentations, and waking up in a panic about missed deadlines. I keep this to myself as she'd start stressing about that too.

Worry? I'm getting greyer by the minute!

I have cheered myself up with some sunny photos of Garter Day at Windsor Castle. Happy, happy!


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